Thanks to all who attended our annual Conference in early July in Manchester. We had a fantastic conference with more than 340 delegates, who over two stimulating days presented and witnessed 80 presentations and workshops and over 100 posters focused on UK and global health services and systems research. We are launching this resources page with blogs, presentations and abstracts for you and your colleagues to revisit some of the excellent content of our event.
Conference report
Full breakdown of the event from the perspective of Prof. Peter Bower
Conference Abstract Book
A PDF booklet with all of the oral abstract presentations
Plenary 1: The Impact of Health Research: Future Priorities & Strategies
Chair: Prof. Jo Rycroft Malone, Director, NIHR HS&DR
Speakers: James Wilsdon, Professor of Research Policy, Sheffield & Simon Denegri, NIHR National Director for Patients, Carers & the Public & Chair of INVOLVE
Plenary 2: Social Care Research, Policy & Practice
Chair: Martin Knapp, Professor of Social Policy & Director of PSSRU, London School of Economics & Political Science
Speakers: Richard Humphries, Senior Policy Fellow, King's Fund & Visiting Professor at Worcester; Jill Manthorpe, Professor of Social Work & Director of Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London
Plenary 3: Researching the Healthcare Workforce: What Do We Need to Know?
Chair: Anita Charlesworth, Director of Research & Economics, The Health Foundation
Speakers: Professor Peter Griffiths, Chair of Health Services Research, University of Southampton and Candice Imison, Director of Workforce, Nuffield Trust
Plenary 4: Patient Experience Research & Improvement
Chair: Jocelyn Cornwell, CEO & Founder of The Point of Care Foundation
Speakers: Glenn Robert, Professor of Health Care Quality & Innovation, King's College London; Sue Ziebland, Professor of Medical Sociology & Director of the Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford
Plenary 5: Health Policy in Europe at a Time of Political Change, Turmoil & Crisis
Chair: Professor Kieran Walshe, Professor of Health Policy and Management Alliance Manchester Business School
Speaker: Scott L. Greer, Ph.D., Professor, Health Management and Policy, Global Public Health and Political Science
Prize winners
Best Poster - Sarah Knowles
Best nursing related poster - Emily Wood
Best oral abstract presentation - Georgia Black
Oral abstract presentation: highly commended
Highly commended poster - Anya Gopfert, Ruth Louise Poole
CRN Health Services Research Toolkit
The NIHR has launched a new toolkit for researchers, to help them deliver the high quality health services research that the NHS needs.
The Health Services Research Toolkit is a national resource which brings together ideas, guidance and support in one place.
Global Health Policy and Systems Research programme
The NIHR Global Health Policy and Systems Research (Global HPSR) programme aims to support research in global health policy and systems research which is directly and primarily of benefit to people in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). This will be driven by effective equitable partnerships between LMIC and UK researchers, who together will:
- engage stakeholders
- identify and address priorities for research in health policy and health systems, and
- develop plans for capacity strengthening and knowledge sharing
A series of three complementary research funding opportunities are planned. These have been informed by stakeholder engagement, including the development of a global HPSR community of interest
We held an information webinar for the Global HPSR Development Awards Call on 26 June. A recording of the webinar is available here.
- Opening September 2019 (tbc), with funding for up to 4 years and up to £4M per award
- A commissioned funding opportunity, which will be aligned with the WHO campaign to promote universal health coverage towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Opening Sept 2020 (tbc), with funding for up to 4 years, between £2-4M per award
- This will be an open funding opportunity and will align with the end of the Development Awards (not restricted to Development Award holders
To be eligible to receive ODA funding, applications must demonstrate how they meet ODA compliance criteria and outline:
- which LMIC(s) on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of ODA-eligible countries will directly benefit;
- how the application is directly and primarily relevant to the development challenges of those countries; and
- how the outcomes will promote the health and welfare of people in the country or countries on the DAC list.
Links to resources from the Health Foundation -
Our current opportunities for funding -
Research communication toolkit -
BMJ Quality and safety -
Publications/materials -
Included in the bags for delegates and referred to in the first plenary by James Wilsdon was
Untapped Potential: investing in health and care data analytics -
After the third plenary on workforce, we had a lot of interest in our workforce reports
A critical moment: NHS staffing trends, retention and attrition (also in the bags for delegates) -
Closing the gap: key areas for action on the health and care workforce (the link for both the overview and full report is on the page) -
Against the odds: successfully scaling innovation in the NHS -
The spread challenge:
While there was also a lot of interest in our quick guides on
Evaluation -
Quality Improvement -
What makes us healthy -
Marie Curie Research Grants Scheme on our website and the email address to sign up to the MC research newsletter:
NIHR RfPB programme and the early career presentation