Changing behaviours

Oral presentations in the theme ‘changing behaviours’ are available to watch. Leave your comment below to join the discussion.

Shoulder pain surgery: one popular procedure not backed by evidence

Timothy Jones

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Can Hospital Accreditation influence healthcare workforce? Lessons learnt from Accrediting public hospitals in the United Arab of Emirates

Amna Alshamsi

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Evaluation of the implementation of Freedom to Speak Up Guardians in NHS England

Aled Jones

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Developing and sharing learning about improving patient flow and patient and staff experiences through a health care system: Evaluating the Flow Coaching Academy Programme

Miriam Broeks & Amanda Watt

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Exposure to the views and behaviours of other health professionals: a systematic review and meta-analysis of social norms and clinical behaviour change

Sarah Cotterill

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Insights on the impact of accreditation on healthcare workers

Amna Alshamsi

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Aled Jones' presentation is a really nice example of using normalisation process theory to understand a new NHS role but it is a rather a depressing tale of poor implementation of a very important change to encourage people to speak up about poor practice in the NHS.

thanks for a clear and well designed insight to changing behaviour Sarah. hope you are well.

I am pleased you enjoyed it Chris: it was an enjoyable piece of research. All well here thanks, would have been nice to have seen you at HSR ... maybe next year