Kieran Walshe is Professor of Health Policy and Management at Alliance Manchester Business School and a member of the US AcademyHealth International Advisory Board. Previously, Kieran was also Director of Health and Care Research Wales and a non-executive director of the Christie NHS Foundation Trust. He was a member of the REF2014 panel for public health, health services research and primary care. He was associate director of the National Institute of Health Research health services and delivery research programme from 2012 to 2015, and directed the NIHR service delivery and organisation research programme from 2008 to 2011.
He has thirty years’ experience in health policy, health management and health services research. He has previously worked at the University of Birmingham, at the University of California at Berkeley as a Harkness Fellow, and at the King's Fund in London, His research focuses on quality and performance in healthcare organisations; the governance, accountability and performance of public services; and the use of evidence in policy evaluation and learning. He has led a wide range of research projects funded by the ESRC, Department of Health, NIHR, and EU FP7 programmes, and other government departments and NHS organisations. He has advised many government agencies and organisations, in the UK and internationally, including acting as an advisor on health reforms to the House of Commons health select committee.
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