Accessing HealthcareFrom long wait times for appointments, limited availability of certain treatments, to varying levels of services in ru… More Digital InnovationsWith the technology advancing more rapidly every day, there is little doubt that digital innovations may hold the key… More Integrated SystemsAs integration becomes the driving force behind transformation of health and care services, how do we ensure that the… More Healthcare OutcomesFaced with an ageing population and a health and care system under increasing strain, effectively measuring health out… More Prehospital HealthcareWith an ever-growing NHS backlog placing secondary care services under more pressure than ever before, facilitating ex… More Mental Health ServicesIn a post-pandemic era, how can research support and improve crucial mental health services across the country? More Coproducing HealthcareAll of us will be patients at some stage in our lifetime. How can a coproduction approach to health and care services… More Navigating Post Hospital CareOptimising post hospital care is essential to reducing readmissions and enabling patients to effectively manage their… More Workforce ThemeNHS and social care staff have faced over two years of unprecedented pressure. How can we navigate the current workfor… More Issues in Primary Care ThemeResearch into primary care could help alleviate the pressures on services by identifying new ways to improve care coor… More Community Based CareResearch into community-based care can help us to better understand social determinants of health, how services can be… More New and Changing RolesAs the world evolves, the structure of health and social care roles must inevitably change with it. How can rethinking… More Patient SafetyPatient safety is the most crucial consideration for all health and care services. What innovations can support the ma… More ImplementationGetting implementation right from the start is a key factor in driving effective change and improvement across services. More Understanding Quality of CareInvestigating the lived experiences of both patients and practitioners can provide us with invaluable insight into wha… More Methods in Health Services ResearchHealth and care services research is a broad and ever-expanding discipline. What approaches and methods are researcher… More Understanding and Addressing InequalitiesResearch could offer the solution to addressing many of the inequalities present in the accessibility, delivery, and r… More Reorganising HealthcareHow can we reassess the structure of health and care services to truly transform and improve patient outcomes and expe… More Working TogetherHow can a spirit of collaboration and co-production across all key stakeholders in health and care services best suppo… More