Oral presentations in the theme ‘changing system levers’ are now available to watch. Leave a comment below to join the discussion.
Removing competition law from the English NHS – what can it mean?
Mary Guy
Joining up health and social care policy: implications for evidence identification from a rapid review of safeguarding
Anna Cantrell
How does implementation of a new national patient safety policy impact on patient safety priorities within NHS organisations? Lessons from Learning from Deaths
Mirza Lalani
Primary Care Networks in the English NHS: exploring policy construction, implementation, risks, and opportunities
Lynsey Warwick-Giles
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Vari Drennan replied on Permalink
Primary Care Networks in the English NHS
Vari Drennan replied on Permalink
Removing competition law from the English NHS
Mary Guy replied on Permalink
Removing competition law from the English NHS
Lynsey Warwick-Giles replied on Permalink