Working together

Oral presentations in the theme ‘working together’ are now available to watch. Leave your comment below to join the discussion.

Implementation of Health-Justice Partnerships

Sarah Beardon

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An ethnographic study into latent patterns of multidisciplinary working leading to delays in discharge from hospital of older people living with frailty

Sabi Redwood

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Aligning Health and Social Care in Practice - Observing Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings

Nicolas Douglas

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Totaalbloedvergiftiging (Total Sepsis)

Helen Pardoe

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Although I carried out this ethnographic study over 20 years ago, I wondered if some of the mechanisms I observed and reported, especially the variation between teams, was also observed in your work. Some of the features in the abstract suggest that this is the case, such as the interoperability of IT. I also found that leadership style made a profound difference. Griffiths,L.(2001) “Categorising to exclude: the discursive construction of cases in community mental health teams” Sociology of Health and Illness, 23 (5) 678-700. Griffiths, L.(1998) Humour as resistance to professional dominance in community mental health teams, Sociology of Health & Illness 20: 874-95, 1998.

it's difficult doing a virtual conference isn't it. Usually after a presentation I would seek out presenters in the break and enjoy hearing their in depth comments.