Does Evidence Matter To Managers? Making The Case For Evidence-based Management

Watch a recording of this webinar which took place on Wednesday 1 July, 14.00 – 15.00 BST:


Rob Briner, Professor of Organizational Psychology, Queen Mary University London & Scientific Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Management

Louella Vaughan, Senior Research Fellow, Nuffield Trust

Chair: Kieran Walshe, Chair of HSR UK; Professor of Health Policy and Management at Alliance Manchester Business School; and Director of Health and Care Research Wales


Although the healthcare sector has been a stronghold of the evidence-based decision making movement, it often seems that management and policy decisions in health and care are not expected to meet the same evidentiary thresholds as those in clinical practice.   In this plenary, Rob Briner, scientific director of the Centre for Evidence Based Management and Louella Vaughan, an acute physician who also works as a fellow with the Nuffield Trust, will discuss how we might do better at bringing evidence to bear on the often complex and contested issues that face NHS leaders.