Research Discussion: Access to Services ThemeFrom long wait times for appointments, limited availability of certain treatments, to varying levels of services in r… More Research Discussion: Building System Resilience and Research Capacity ThemeHow can we reassess the resilience of health and care services to truly ensure the consistent delivery of quality car… More Research Discussion: Care for People with Disabilities ThemeImproving quality of life and independence is crucial to all care for people with disabilities, and research in this… More Research Discussion: Care Homes ThemeAs our population ages, more UK residents will come to rely on care homes. How can research help us create a sustaina… More Research Discussion: Community Health ThemeResearch into community-based care can help us to better understand social determinants of health, how services can b… More Research Discussion: Complex Interventions ThemePlanning for complex interventions can often prove challenging for both costs and efficiencies. How can research supp… More Research Discussion: Digitally Enabled Services ThemeWith technology advancing more rapidly every day, there is little doubt that improved digital enablement may hold the… More Research Discussion: Enhancing End User Involvement and Engagement ThemeAll of us will be patients at some stage in our lifetime. How can enhancing end-user involvement when transforming he… More Research Discussion: Evidence Based Practice and Policy ThemeChampioning evidence-based practice can support service and system leaders to identify the most effective approaches… More Research Discussion: Integrated Care ThemeAs integration becomes the driving force behind transformation of health and care services, how do we ensure that the… More Research Discussion: Knowledge Translation ThemeDeconstructing siloes of knowledge and translating learnings between researchers, policy makers, and practitioners wi… More Research Discussion: Long-term impact of covid-19 on healthcare ThemeAs we steadily begin to understand the wider impact that Covid-19 has had on our system, it is crucial that we invest… More Research Discussion: Maternity Services ThemeSupporting improved care delivery across maternity services can help improve outcomes for both patients and babies. More Research Discussion: Measuring Inequalities and Improving Health Outcomes ThemeWe cannot fully begin to address and improve inequalities across the health and care service landscape until these in… More Research Discussion: Medication Safety ThemeResearch into medication safety is essential for improving outcomes and helping providers make more informed decision… More Research Discussion: Mental Health ThemeIn a post-pandemic era, how can research support and improve crucial mental health services across the country? More Research Discussion: Patient Safety ThemePatient safety is the most crucial consideration for all health and care services. What innovations can support the m… More Research Discussion: Primary Care ThemeResearch into primary care could help alleviate the pressures on services by identifying new ways to improve care coo… More Research Discussion: Researching Inequalities ThemeResearch could offer the solution to addressing many of the inequalities present in the accessibility, delivery, and… More Research Discussion: Self-care ThemeAs our health and care system is placed under increasing strain, self-care is more important than ever for both suppor… More Research Discussion: Service Design and Delivery ThemeAs the world evolves, the structure of health and social care services must inevitably change with it. How can rethin… More Research Discussion: Service re-design during the pandemic ThemeThe pandemic required us to reassess the design of many long-standing services in our health and care system. What lea… More Research Discussion: Social Care ThemeSocial Care is as much of an essential pillar in our overall health system as any other. How can we ensure the social… More Research Discussion: Staff Wellbeing ThemeStaff across our health and care system have faced an unprecedented few years, from the pandemic, to recovery, to pay… More Research Discussion: Unscheduled Care ThemeEffectively delivering unscheduled care can present its own challenges in terms of cost, efficiencies, and outcomes.… More Research Discussion: Workforce ThemeNHS and social care staff have faced over two years of unprecedented pressure. How can we navigate the current workfo… More