Mobilising UK HSR capacity and learning to build partnerships for tackling health policy and systems challenges in low and middle-income countries


Chair: Vladimir S Gordeev, Senior Health Economist, Queen Mary University of London and Board Member Health Systems Global


Barbara McPake, Director Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne and Vice-Chair Health Systems Global

Sarah Puddicombe, Assistant Director Global Health, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre

Richard Lilford, Professor of Public Health, University of Birmingham

Session summary

As we move forward into the post-COVID era, we should foster a global collaborative culture, learn from each other, and enable individuals to build platforms for partnerships within and beyond the Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) community.

The overarching rationale of the session is to encourage the mobilisation of UK Health Services Research knowledge and expertise to understand, explore and pursue partnership opportunities to contribute, collaborate and seek funding for research in middle and low-income countries. It will feature contributions from a key UK funder supporting global HPSR, a global HPSR network facilitating knowledge sharing, and researchers already working across disciplinary and contextual boundaries in a variety of different health systems contexts.   We will discuss the importance of global collaboration in health research and the elements it must have for it to be both effective and equitable, provide a deeper knowledge of the funding landscape for Global Health Policy and Systems Research in the UK, and focus on the challenges and solutions for collaborative research in low- and middle-income settings and how to achieve impact.


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