AcademyHealth: Health Systems Respond to COVID-19: Priorities for Rapid-Cycle Evaluations

Author Helen Mthiyane
Posted 2020.04.21

AcademyHealth is the U.S. professional home and leading national organisation for health services researchers, policymakers, and health care practitioners and stakeholders.  It has published the results of a responsive project launched in March 2020, to identify priority questions U.S. health system leaders and care providers have now and will likely have over the next six to nine months.

The report focuses less on the critical epidemiologic and infectious disease aspects of the pandemic and instead highlights the information needs of the health care and community organisations engaged in the response. Research questions were  identified through a prioritisation excercise, and are grouped into the following categories:

• Patient and community experience, engagement, and outcomes

• Care delivery, management, decision-making, and operations

• Workforce needs, training, and policies

• Technology, data, and telehealth

• Policies, including payment policy

• Collaboration and coordination

It is intended to inform decision-making of federal and foundation funders of health services research, and specifically health care delivery science, to guide rapidly launched investments in responsive research.  

Read the report on the AcademyHealth website