HSRUK Conference 2018

Author Daniel Camero
Posted 2017.01.27
04 Jul 2018
05 Jul 2018
Burton Street Nottingham NG1 4BU


4-5 JULY 2018


Click here to download our programme.


The 11th Health Services Research UK (HSRUK) Conference is on 4-5 July 2018 at the Nottingham Conference Centre, presenting the leading edge of health services research in an engaging, multidisciplinary programme. The Conference offers innovative thinking and high-quality debate around health and social care best practice and ‘next practice’.

Plenary topics include gaps in research and the workforce, children and young people's mental health and rapid evaluations. Plus we have over 60 themed sessions this year, covering all aspects of health services and policy research with a national and global focus: workforce, patient experience, access/equity, innovating HSR, methods, emergency care, quality, organisations patient safety, patient voice and more! If you're presenting, book now and avoid late registration fees!

Who attends?

The Conference will again convene hundreds of health services leaders, managers, researchers, clinicians, policymakers, service users and carers. Delegates attend from universities and research institutes, NHS and social care bodies, patient and citizen groups, central and local government, consultancy and the third sector. The Conference offers the opportunity to network with your peers, and meet key decision makers and leaders in the field.


What will be presented?

High profile plenary speakers include Sir Nick Black, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Dr Louise Wood, Department of Health, with plenaries including rapid evaluations and research and workforce. For the first time we have invited abstracts on global health services research in low, middle and high income countries, which are embedded in themes including:


  • Innovating HSR
  • Workforce
  • Access/Equity
  • Methods
  • Emergency care
  • Organisations
  • Patient Safety
  • Patient Voice


Sponsorship and exhibitors

Building on a very successful event in 2017, the Conference will again bring together health services, researchers, practitioners, services developers, service users and carers, and policy makers. Click here to download a summary of the sponsorship opportunities we have on offer.


HSRUK membership

Individual or organisational membership means you can get discounted access to Conference and our topical events with high profile speakers, stay abreast of the latest research and join in shaping our activity to raise the profile of health services research. 

HSRUK is the network dedicated to the promotion of health services research in policy and practice. We look forward to welcoming our organisational members at the Conference, and will also be offering free individual membership to all those who attend this year. Please contact Daniel Camero at [email protected] for more information.

Join HSRUK: www.hsruk.org Follow us on twitter: @HSRN_UK


View the presentations from our 2017 Conference here.



Click here to register and join us in Nottingham on 4th and 5th of July!