What is ‘co-produced’ health services research? How do you do it? What are the challenges? When is (and isn’t) it appropriate? How can you capture the difference it might make? Is it worth it?
Our Spring meeting co-organised by NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellows and HSRUK, “Co-producing health services research: The hows and whys”, was held at Woburn House, London on Friday 4 May.
Service users, researchers, commissioners, practitioners, the third sector and even a creative artist shared what has (and hasn’t) worked when they’ve been involved in co-producing health services research. Interactive workshops explored approaches to co-produced health services research, from modelling, and learning circles to participatory service evaluation, theatre and design – even the use of Lego. We also heard from experts from Canada and the N8 Research Partnership about how to capture the impact from co-production.
We would love this discussion to keep going, so please don't hesitate to use the #coproductionUK and tag @HSRN_UK in your conversations! Check back here for regular coproduction news and updates etc.
Biographies of all speakers & Workshop facilitators
Workshop summaries:
- Co-producing service evaluations
- Creative approaches to co-production
- Britain’s Next Top Modellers: Co-production and the modelling circle
- Learning circles
NIHR CLAHRC PPI e-news - Impact of Patient and Public Involvement
NIHR patients and the public - INVOLVE PPI newsletter
- N8 Knowledge That Matters report by Heather Campbell et al
- Co:create Matrix for Assessing Co-Production
Guidance for researchers on Patient and Public Involvement
Impact of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI): Completing the Feedback Cycle
Universal design and access to all
Reciprocal relationships and the importance of feedback in patient and public involvement: A mixed methods study
- The James Lind Alliance (JLA) http://www.jla.nihr.ac.uk/ It brings patients, carers and clinicians together in Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) to identify and prioritise the Top 10 uncertainties, or unanswered questions, about the effects of treatments.
- The Coalition for Collaborative Carehttp://coalitionforcollaborativecare.org.uk/ The Coalition is an alliance of a growing number of people and organisations committed to introduce person-centred, collaborative care for people with long term conditions, at a personal and system-wide level across the NHS.
- Devices for Dignity http://devicesfordignity.org.uk/about-us/ Their mission is to act as a catalyst within the NHS for the development of new medical devices, healthcare technologies and technology-dependent interventions. We focus on developing technology solutions to meet clinical needs and for chronic health conditions that are often overlooked, and that are typically associated with loss of dignity and independence, and poor patient outcomes.
- Patient Focused Medicines Developmenthttp://patientfocusedmedicine.org/ PFMD aims to establish, at global level, a systematic and consistent approach to patient involvement – a worldwide accepted standard for how and when the patient engagement should take place. (Patient engagement is the pharmaceutical world’s terminology for PPI).