Vacancy, Research Fellow, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham

Author Daniel Camero
Posted 2018.04.20
Job Category 

Research Fellow, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham


The Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) is the lead partner in a prestigious new Rapid Service Evaluation Centre funded by the National Institute for Health Research. The Centre will be funded for five years, based at HSMC, and delivered in collaboration with RAND Europe and The University of Cambridge. It will identify promising new health service innovations, and design and carry out rapid evaluations of these to assess their implementation, impact, sustainability and potential for scale up. The Centre will work in close partnership with those who deliver, manage and use health services, and produce timely findings of national relevance and immediate use to decision-makers.

We wish to recruit a full time Research Fellow (Grade 7) to join the team. This role is an exciting opportunity to join and shape a new centre of national importance, work directly with leading researchers in the field, and help build and disseminate the evidence base about what works in health service innovation and improvement. The post-holder will contribute to planning and establishing the new Centre, as well as its ongoing development and management. Working with colleagues across the collaborating organisations, they will support activities to identify and prioritise promising service innovations to be evaluated; design and carry out mixed-methods evaluations, working with local teams leading these innovations; analyse findings, and plan and deliver high impact dissemination activities to support the uptake of those findings into NHS practice.

We invite applications from exceptional candidates who have substantial experience of and a passion for health service evaluation. In addition to having a strong track record in applied quantitative and/or qualitative research, you will have experience of working in collaboration with a range of research participants and partners, excellent analytical and communication skills, and be able to work effectively and at pace across a wide variety of topics and activities.

The post is fixed term for five years and will be based at HSMC. It will involve regular national travel, including to Cambridge and London. We would consider a job share for this role.

Full time starting salary is normally in the range £29,799 to £38,832. With potential progression once in post to £41,212 a year.  

To download the details of this position and submit an electronic application online please click on the Apply Online button below, please quote Job Ref  59122 in all enquiries.

For further information about the post, please contact Dr Jo Ellins at [email protected].