Closing date: 29 March 2018
Interview date: Tuesday 17 April 2018
Apply here.
This NIHR funded post has been awarded to work between the University of Warwick and Public Health England. The preferred theme of the research is Public Health with Therapeutics or Clinical Pharmacology.
The Clinical Lecturer is expected to be based in Warwick Evidence, a multi-disciplinary team of statisticians, modellers, health economists, clinical effectiveness reviewers and information specialists who undertake reviews and evidence synthesis on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of health care interventions for the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme. Warwick Evidence works with a range of policy makers, as well as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), including the National Screening Committee and NHS England for highly specialised commissioning innovations. This is led by Professor Aileen Clarke, who also oversees academic clinical trainees in public health at the university and will act as educational supervisor to a public health specialty appointee to this post.
Within the standard 50/50 academic-clinical split, clinical training will be offered based on the generic training needs of the clinical lecturer to achieve the breadth of public health competencies complemented, if appropriate to the post holder, by work on the public health aspects of therapeutics or clinical pharmacology research area, allowing the development of a clinician working at the interface of service and academic public health. Clinical lecturers at Warwick are also supported to complete a qualification in teaching in higher education to ensure competitiveness in this aspect of senior lecturer career requirements.
The clinical lecturer will take a full part in the training and appropriate service activities of the West Midlands Public Health Training scheme including participation in the health protection on call rota. Other than training requirements to allow completion of general training competencies, it is expected that most clinical training will have a technology assessment (either clinical pharmacology or public health) focus and be undertaken in collaboration with Warwick Evidence.
To be eligible for this post candidates must have submitted their PhD/MD by the time of application. Before the successful candidate can take up the post their PhD/MD has to be awarded.
Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to: Prof Aileen Clarke, Email: [email protected] (supervisor and line manager for the post)