The Positive Deviance Approach: Learning from exceptional performers to improve the quality and safety of care
11 September 2018
10.00 - 16.00
The Studio Leeds, Riverside West, Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS1 4AW
The positive deviance approach uses routinely collected data to identify and learn from organisations, teams, or individuals who demonstrate exceptional performance on outcomes of interest. Over the past 5 years, several teams at the Yorkshire Quality and Safety Research Group have been using pragmatic methods to apply the positive deviance approach within various healthcare settings including elderly care, elective hip and knee surgery, transitions of care, and Intermediate Care services.
Workshop aims:
- To share and discuss our findings about how positively deviant healthcare teams succeed
- To explore the methods that can be used to apply the positive deviance approach within healthcare organisations
- To discuss how your own organisations could apply the positive deviance approach to improve the quality and safety of care
Who should attend?
Organisations tasked with improvement who have access to performance data, e.g. National Audit Teams, AHSNs, Patient Safety Collaboratives, CCGs, CLAHRCs and NHS Improvement.
Who is delivering this workshop?
The Yorkshire Quality and Safety Research group (Bradford Institute For Health Research), The Centre for Health Economics (University of York), and The National Audit of Intermediate Care (NHS Benchmarking Network).
Click here to book your place.