National Centre for Remote and Rural Medicine Inaugural Conference 12-13 June 2019, North Lakes Hotel and Spa, Penrith

Author Helen Mthiyane
Posted 2019.03.27
27 Mar 2019

Call for Abstracts open until 30 April 2019

Do you have the skills needed to provide effective care in remote or rural settings?

  • Be inspired by the experts in urgent, rural and digital medicine
  • Be part of the development of inspiring approaches and new thinking
  • Meet other doctors and carers in the field
  • Gain new skills, collaborate and debate
  • Promote your research, find a test-bed for product development

Remote healthcare is increasingly an issue across the UK and the rest of the world; large populations are being significantly disadvantaged by geographical location. The National Centre for Remote and Rural Medicine (NCRRM) inaugural conference aims to pull from global and regional experience and education, to better understand demand and how as providers we can address these needs with education, training and innovation in health technology.

Who should attend?

  • Doctors and healthcare workers in rural settings and in urban settings where delayed access to secondary care means urgent medicine skills are required
  • First responders and members of the rural community providing urgent care
  • Those thinking about working in remote and rural healthcare settings
  • Digital health practitioners looking for new innovations and test-bed resources

Why attend?

Hear from some of the most inspirational practitioners in the field of remote and rural medicine, some of whom have experience of practising in extreme circumstances. Learn new skills on our conference workshops and find out about the latest courses on offer. Share knowledge, experience and best practice with other workers in remote and rural medicine. Be inspired to work in a rural setting – find out more from those who do!

We are offering the opportunity to present a paper/poster in the format of one power point slide of content with two minutes to outline your work or research interests. If you’re up for the challenge we would like to hear from you! Click the submissions tab below for more.