Kaleidoscope Health & Care invites you to join us for Writing the Future: Live

Author Daniel Camero
Posted 2017.10.06
05 Dec 2017
The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret, 9a Saint Thomas Street, London. SE1 9RY

Writing the Future: Live

Tue 5 December 2017

19:00 – 21:00 GMT


Writing the Future is the world's largest health sci-fi prize, awarding a £10k first prize for the finest 3k word short story about health and health care in 2100.

On 5th December we're going to be thinking about the future of health and health care in the cradle of the past - the oldest surviving operating theatre in Europe.

This live event will include a drinks reception in the fantastic Herb Garret of The Old Operating Theatre, followed by a live reading of Writing the Future stories in the old operating theatre itself, mixed with a set of perspectives on how health and care organisations and individuals are trying to prepare for the (long-term) future now.

As well as drinks through-out the evening and free admission to the museum, tickets also include a free limited edition hard copy of the Writing the Future book.



The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret

9a Saint Thomas Street
