Improving Inclusion in Health and Care Research Funding

Author Helen Mthiyane
Posted 2021.08.04
02 Nov 2021 14:00 — 15:00

This event has now passed - watch speakers' presentations on our YouTube channel


This autumn HSR UK, the Health Foundation, The King’s Fund and The Nuffield Trust will hold a series of free events on improving inclusion in health and care research. Across three online events we will showcase people, projects and organisations using inclusive and innovative approaches, and highlight ways we can move existing practice forward at a project, organisational and system level.

The third event on 2 November will look at improving inclusion in research funding.  Speakers will discuss why diverse teams and topics can miss out on funding and what changes should be made to address this, and share examples of initiatives from health research funders to improve inclusion in their funding processes.

This event is open to anyone with an interest in improving inclusion in health and care research including researchers, public contributors, practitioners and those involved in the funding and commissioning of research. There will also be two interactive breakout sessions where participants will be able to discuss the issues raised (interaction optional - you are welcome to stay and listen in if preferred).

Speakers will include:

  • Dr Addy Adelaine, CEO, Ladders4Action
  • Dorothy Gould, Lived Experience Researcher
  • Dr Neha Issar-Brown, Head of Research, Versus Arthritis
  • Prof. Judith Smith, Deputy Director, Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme, NIHR

Registrations will open soon - sign up to our newsletter to receive details.