Making research work better: Research ethics, governance and information governance
Join us online on Monday, 7 February 2022 from 2 - 3:30pm as we present findings from our 2021 consultation: Making research work better: Research ethics, governance and information governance.
Last year, HSR UK carried out an online consultation into what does and does not work about the current systems for research ethics, research governance and information governance. We were pleased to receive responses from over 250 people from across the health and care services research community. Led by Professor Helen Snooks (Swansea University and HSR UK Board member) and Dr Ashrafunnesa Khanom (Swansea University), responses have been analysed and synthesised into a report which outlines current arrangements, concerns and areas for improvement. This event, timed alongside publication of our report of findings, will be chaired by Professor Kieran Walshe (Chair of HSR UK) and will include a presentation of our findings, followed by a response from Juliet Tizzard (Director of Policy and Partnerships, Health Research Authority), and audience Q&A.
Registration is free via Eventbrite. Zoom details will be sent to attendees shortly before the event.
We look forward to seeing you there! Please feel free to share details of the event with your contacts.