Growing older with a learning disability

Author Jenny Hawkins
Posted 2015.11.17
04 Dec 2015
Aston University

People with learning disabilities are living longer. It is estimated that by 2030, there will be a 30% increase in the number of adults with learning disabilities aged over 50 using social care services. Recent figures also suggest that there will be an increase in adults with learning disabilities over 80 using social care. 

This is not however the whole picture and the number of older people with learning disabilities in the population will be higher than the number currently known to services. (Emerson and Hatton 2011).

Building on BILD's Ageing Well project and seminars, this conference will explore recent national and international research and practice related to ageing and people with a learning disability and how these influence policy development and the provision of good support. 

Delegates will gain a better understanding of the experiences and needs of people as they age, from the perspectives of older people with a learning disability, family members, support workers, health and social care professionals and researchers.

This conference will provide a preview of some of the papers included in the special issue of British Journal of Learning Disabilities (December 2015) on ageing and people with a learning disability.

Find out more about this event on Friday 4 December 2015,  Aston University, Birmingham

View event website.