External event: Change Agent for Innovation workshop

Author Jenny Hawkins
Posted 2015.08.26
04 Nov 2015

North West Coast AHSN is delighted to offer you the opportunity to join 'Being a change agent for innovation.” masterclass, presented by Dr Helen Bevan, Chief Transformation Officer, NHS Improving Quality.

Date: Wednesday 4 November 2015 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Liverpool
Venue: Contemporary Urban Centre, 41 Greenland Street, Liverpool L1 0BS

Helen Bevan is acknowledged globally for her expertise in large scale change and ability to translate it into practical action and deliver outcomes. She provides advice, guidance and training on transformational change to leaders of healthcare systems across the world. She is a source of energy and inspiration for change and helps to "think the unthinkable". In 2008, the 60th anniversary of the National Health Service, Helen was recognised as one of the 60 most influential people in the history of the NHS.

They have a limited amount of spaces on offer and anticipate a high volume of applications for the workshop. Book here