Cross-CLAHRC Care Homes Research Event - Register now

Author Daniel Camero
Posted 2017.09.26
23 Nov 2017

Cross-CLAHRC Care Homes Research Event


Main event: 23 November 2017, 10am to 4.30pm

Pre-event networking dinner: 22 November 2017, 7pm.

Euston, London


Join us at this national cross-CLAHRC event, which will showcase and use Care Homes research as an exemplar of CLAHRCs’ collaborative approach and how we have implemented evidence-based change in health and social care.


With a mix of presentations and interactive sessions, this event will provide the opportunity to:

  • Discuss a summary of the CLAHRC supported care home work
  • Examine what does and does not work when planning and undertaking care home research.
  • Contribute to a narrative of how CLAHRC supported research has made a difference to the care of older people living and dying in care homes.
  • Lead to a briefing and paper that complements the recent NIHR review
  • Work towards a national collaboration to inform priority setting and future work in care home research


Who is this event for?

  • CLAHRC leads and researchers working in care homes research
  • Representatives from care homes who have been involved in research
  • Patient/resident and public representatives interested in shaping research


Book your free place now on our registration page 

Registration will close on Wednesday 8 November 


CONTACT: If you have any questions about the event, please contact: