Applying Discrete Choice Experiments in Health Economics: Theoretical and Practical Issues
15 - 17 November 2017, Jury’s Inn, Aberdeen
Health Economics Research Unit, University of Aberdeen are running this popular annual course.
In publicly provided health care systems finite resources coupled with increasing demand for health care requires decisions about what is the most efficient allocation of scarce health care resources. This requires information about the costs and benefits of health care. Given the lack of a market for health care, economic techniques provide values for health care benefits. One technique adopted by and further developed in health economics over the past decade is the discrete choice experiment (DCE) approach. DCEs are now widely applied to value health and health care. Furthermore, DCEs are a potential method to recognise the importance of patient centred care, and to value patient experiences in the delivery of health care. DCEs are also applied more widely to consider population and health care professionals’ preferences in many areas of health policy such as:
• Lifestyle interventions
• Health state valuation
• Medical careers decision making
• Priority setting
The course will draw on the presenters experience across these areas to relate concepts to real-life DCE applications.
This course is aimed at those interested in applying DCEs in health economics. We focus on the practical and theoretical issues raised when applying the technique. The course includes practical, computer-based group work sessions that allow participants to gain first hands-on experience with the conduct and analysis of DCEs. No prior knowledge of DCEs is required to follow the course. Knowledge of regression methods is needed.
A limited number of places remain available after the workshop was opened to our waiting list, if you are interested in attending this workshop, please click here for further information and registration details. The workshop will be a yearly event, if you are unable to attend this year, however may be interested in attending in future years, please email [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.