CLAHRC Child and Young People’s Mental Health Research
Generating Impact
Anstey Hall, Cambridge
NETWORK: with lead researchers and key stakeholders* in CYP MH from across CLAHRCs
EXPLORE: barriers, solutions and successes for implementing research into practice
IDENTIFY: opportunities for collaborative working
Registration opens in March (places are free).
Following on from the cross-CLAHRC Child Health event held on November 11th 2016 in London, this day is the first of what we hope will be a series of meetings to bring people in the CLAHRC network with a focus on CYP MH together.
It will be a participatory and interactive event to facilitate discussion and shared learning about how to turn research findings into differences in practice, and to enable the identification of new collaborations for future working.
Attendees should be CLAHRC researchers and key stakeholders* in CYP MH who can both contribute and gain from the day.
Each participating CLAHRC will initially have a limit of 4 places, and will be asked each to provide an overview of relevant CYP MH studies prior to the event (the template for this will be available soon).
More detailed information will be provided with registration; in the interim please save the date.
For any questions please contact:
Maris Vainre, Research Assistant and Research Impact Officer: [email protected]
Lorna Jacobs, Senior Programme Support Officer: [email protected]