CLAHRC Cardiometabolic Research Day
24 October 2017 - Stamford Court, University of Leicester
The CLAHRC Cardiometabolic Research Day organised by CLAHRC East Midlands and CLAHRC Oxford is taking place on Tuesday 24 October 2017 in Leicester.
This event is an opportunity for researchers, clinicians, students and other colleagues from the 13 CLAHRCs to discuss challenges and opportunities in the field of cardiometabolic research.
Programme outline
9:00 Registration
9:45 Welcome and introduction: Professor Kamlesh Khunti
9:55 CLAHRC presentations and questions (5 minute update from each CLAHRC x13)
11:00 Refreshment break
11:15 Parallel Interactive Session to identify potential opportunities for cross-CLAHRC collaborations
12:15 Lunch and poster-viewing
13:15 Parallel Interactive Session to identify potential opportunities for cross-CLAHRC collaborations
14:15 Feedback from groups – Refreshments available
14:30 Strategy for future working – small groups
15:30 Closing Remarks including results of poster competition: Professor Kamlesh Khunti / Professor Richard Hobbs
15:45 Close
Dinner & Accommodation
We would like to invite you along to a dinner the evening before on Monday 23 October 2017 in Leicester – venue tbc from 7pm, for those wishing to travel down to Leicester the night before.
Please let Michelle Brown [email protected] know if you would like to join us for dinner.
Accommodation is available at College Court which is a 10 minute drive to Stamford Court, and also 10 minute drive from Leicester Train Station. Rooms start at £85 per room for 1 person, please contact 0116 244 9669 or [email protected].