2017 Winter Seminar: New Care Models

Author Daniel Camero
Posted 2016.11.15
17 Jan 2017
Room F41, Sackville Street Building, University of Manchester.

2017 Winter Seminar - New Care Models: What do we know and what will we learn?

17th January 2017, 14:00 – 17:00

Venue: Room F41, Sackville Street Building, University of Manchester.

60 Sackville St, Manchester M1 3WE



This HSRUK Winter seminar looks at the evidence for and the evaluation of new models of care.

The Five Year Forward View is encouraging the NHS to innovate from the bottom up, via local and regional experiments, across a range of new models of care (NCM). From January 2015, 50 vanguard sites have been designated within the new care models programme. These vanguards, which are categorised as Primary and Acute Care Systems (PACS), Multispecialty Community Providers (MCPs), Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCHs) and Acute Care collaborations (ACCs), aim to improve the health of local communities, provide a better experience of care for patients, and deliver savings for the taxpayer. In his speech to this year’s NHS Confederation annual conference, Simon Stevens suggested that alongside this permissive approach to local innovation, there needs to be a conversation about ‘some of the ‘elephants in the room’, some of the ‘big ticket items’, the difficult choices, that need to be resolved.’ This seminar aims to be part of that conversation, a ‘what works’ of NCMs, viewing these experiments through the lens of evidence and exploring approaches to their evaluation.


The focus will be on Primary and Acute Care Systems (PACS) and Multispecialty Community Providers (MCPs).

Book your tickets here.