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27 Oct 2022
Does the journey change the destination? Exploring unusual patient journeys through the hospital and their impacts
Every year at our annual conference we recognise well-presented and rigorous research through our Future Leaders in He…
25 Jul 2022
HSR UK 2022 Innovation in inclusion award winners: Frankly speaking - conversations about PPI
As part of HSR UK's continued commitment to improving inclusion in health services research, at this year's conference…
28 Jun 2022
Stepping back into the light
With just one week to go until the HSR UK annual conference, conference committee member Peter Bower talks us through…
26 Jul 2021
Meet our Future Leaders in Health Services Research award winners
At this year’s HSR UK conference we awarded our first Future Leaders in Health Services Research Awards, s…
01 Jul 2021
What's in store for HSR UK Conference 2021?
Peter Bower gives a taste of what you can expect (and which sessions not to miss) at this year's online conference
17 Jul 2020
Social care – looking back, looking forward
Our chair and presenters from the HSR UK 2020 plenary 'A Crisis in Adult Social Care? Learning from Acr…
09 Jul 2020
Policy responses to Covid-19: what worked, what didn’t, and why?
Manbinder Sidhu, Ashra Khanom, Mark Dayan and Chiara Dall'Ora, panellists from the HSR UK 2020 opening plena…
01 Jul 2020
HSR UK and the art of the conference flaneur
Tara Lamont has made the most of HSR UK's online format this year.
29 Jun 2020
Different world, different conference: dipping into HSR UK 2020
Peter Bower dips in to HSR UK's first ever online conference...
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Introducing HSR UK
Our People
Cat Chatfield
Jenny Wheeldon
Andrew Hutchings
Angus Ramsay
Ashra Khanom
Gary Ford
Gemma McKenna
Judith Smith (Chair)
Kieran Walshe
Lynn Laidlaw
Nina Hemmings
Peter Bower
Rob Newton
Temidayo Ajakaiye
Yvonne Birks
HSR UK Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest Information
Funders and Partners
The Nuffield Trust
The Health Foundation
Society for Social Medicine and Population Health
Contact Us
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Past Events
HSR UK Conference 2024
Conference 2023
What is the future role of the hospital in the NHS
Undertaking research with those marginalised and excluded
What will become of General Practice?
What does this mean for the future of health and social care research?
Researchers In The Eye Of The Storm
Access To Services
Building System Resilience
Care Homes
Community Health
Digitally Enabled Services
Enhancing End User Involvement
Evidence Based Policy
Integrated Care
Long Term Impact of Covid-19
Measuring Inequalities
Measuring Inequalities and Improving Outcomes
Medication Safety
People With Disabilities
Primary Care
Researching Inequalities
Service Design and Delivery
Social Care
Staff Wellbeing
Unscheduled Care
Research Discussion Sessions
Research Discussion: Access to Services Theme
Research Discussion: Building System Resilience and Research Capacity Theme
Research Discussion: Care Homes Theme
Research Discussion: Care for People with Disabilities Theme
Research Discussion: Community Health Theme
Research Discussion: Complex Interventions Theme
Research Discussion: Digitally Enabled Services Theme
Research Discussion: Enhancing End User Involvement and Engagement Theme
Research Discussion: Evidence Based Practice and Policy Theme
Research Discussion: Integrated Care Theme
Research Discussion: Knowledge Translation Theme
Research Discussion: Long-term impact of covid-19 on healthcare Theme
Research Discussion: Maternity Services Theme
Research Discussion: Measuring Inequalities and Improving Health Outcomes Theme
Research Discussion: Medication Safety Theme
Research Discussion: Mental Health Theme
Research Discussion: Patient Safety Theme
Research Discussion: Primary Care Theme
Research Discussion: Researching Inequalities Theme
Research Discussion: Self-care Theme
Research Discussion: Service Design and Delivery Theme
Research Discussion: Service re-design during the pandemic Theme
Research Discussion: Social Care Theme
Research Discussion: Staff Wellbeing Theme
Research Discussion: Unscheduled Care Theme
Research Discussion: Workforce Theme
Conference 2022
Making a difference? The Impact of Health Services Research on Policy and Practice
NHS boards: getting engaged with research and innovation?
Research Futures Rethinking Research And Innovation In Health And Care
Tackling climate change: the role of health and care research
Lessons for policy and research on health inequalities in the UK from the COVID19 pandemic
Accessing Healthcare
Digital Innovations
Integrated Systems
Healthcare Outcomes
Prehospital Healthcare
Mental Health Services
Coproducing Healthcare
Navigating Post Hospital Care
Issues in Primary Care
Community Based Care
New and Changing Roles
Patient Safety
Understanding Quality of Care
Methods in Health Services Research
Understanding and Addressing Inequalities
Reorganising Healthcare
Working Together
Rapid Fire Poster Presentations Session 1
Rapid Fire Poster Presentations Session 2
Rapid Fire Poster Presentations Session 3
Getting Published Practical Advice From Journal Editors
Experience Based Co-Design in a Time of COVID: Reflections on Adaptations to the Method
Make Funding Applications More Competitive
Implementing remote consultation
Learning from Other Countries
Conference 2021
Diversity and inclusion in health and care research
Global health and the contribution of health services research
Long COVID: patient experience and the developing research agenda
Meeting future challenges for the NHS workforce: the need for research
Reinventing research and innovation in the UK: levelling up and lessons from COVID-19
Science, evidence and government policy: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Accessing Care
Digital Innovations
Health and Care During the Pandemic
Implementing Change
Improving Use of Medication
Innovations During the Pandemic
Integrating Services
Learning from Improvement Activities
Measuring Quality and Outcomes
Outcomes and Effectiveness
Patient and Staff Experience
Professional Roles and Identities
Research and Methods Issues
Understanding Service Demand and Use
Value for Money
Workforce Issues in Primary Care
Working Across Boundaries
Working with Patients and the Public
"Easing" the Care Act: The impact of Covid-19 Social Care 'Easements' on fundamental rights
Care homes and COVID-19 - innovative analytical approaches to support the sector during the pandemic and beyond
Delivering knowledge mobilization strategies at scale
Demystifying Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in health data research: early lessons from a framework approach
Design and Health Services Research: Addressing Complex Challenges Primary Care through Radical Interdisciplinarity
Exploring the complexity of spreading innovation in the NHS: Lessons from a review of Academic Health Science Network activity
Hidden care during COVID-19: Understanding the needs and experiences of unpaid carers during the pandemic.
How to see a paramedic without calling 999 The who, what and why of paramedics working in primary care settings
Improving transitions of care for stroke and TIA - the time is now!
Leading Public and Community Involvement - the space between expectations and reality?
Multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity) research - where next?
Policy into practice: exploring the implementation and potential of Primary Care Networks in the NHS in England
Pros and cons of "Shielding" vulnerable people as a public health policy in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic
Roundtable: Phone First Emergency Care?
The importance of patience before judging the success of complex change: the need to think long term when implementing and evaluating integrated care programmes
Understanding the impact of COVID Oximetry @home programme among COVID-19 patients in England
Understanding user experience of integration in health and care services: lessons from pilot programmes in England
Using Quality Improvement approaches to maintain and improve health care services during the COVID-19 pandemic
What can we learn from COVID-19 about how to fund, co-ordinate and deliver rapid service evaluation in health and care?
Conference 2020
Conference programme
Wednesday 1 July
Thursday 2 July
Friday 3 July
Lessons for International HSR from the Covid-19 pandemic
Does Evidence Matter To Managers? Making The Case For Evidence-based Management
A Crisis In Adult Social Care? Learning From Across The UK
Mental Health: Can Research Shape Policy and Practice?
Remaking Urgent And Emergency Care: The Contribution Of Research
New Approaches To Data Analytics
Diversity and inclusion in health services research
New services and systems of mental health crisis care: what works for whom and how?
Methods for using and linking routine healthcare data: maximising opportunities for analytical insights
Who makes high use of the emergency ambulance services and how are services responding to meet the needs of these patients?
Implementing social prescribing - lessons learned from CLAHRC NWC and ARC NWC research collaborations
The challenge of culture change in the NHS
Addressing failure and turnaround in health care organisations: a review of current approaches and experiences across NHS providers
Mobilising UK HSR capacity and learning to build partnerships for tackling health policy and systems challenges in low and middle-income countries
Increasing continuity of care in General Practice the interplay between research and improvement
What did the Royal Colleges ever do for you? ...The role of the Royal Colleges in Quality improvement and Health Services Research
Reframing health as an asset: making the economic and social case to invest in healthcare
Update on research and innovation infrastructure
A sustainable social care system in England? Learning from other countries.
David Bell
Rob Briner
John Browne
David Clark
Chiara Dall'Ora
Mark Dayan
Reena Devi
Josep Figueras
Trish Greenhalgh
Patrick J Hall
Sonia Johnson
Ashra Khanom
Ronan Lyons
Alicia O'Cathain
Manbinder Sidhu
Adam Steventon
Louella Vaughan
Big questions for HSR
Big questions for HSR - full abstract
Changing behaviours
Changing behaviours - full abstract
Changing system levers
Changing system levers - full abstract
Clinicians' decisions
Clinicians' decisions - full abstract
Communicating for better care
Communicating for better care - full abstract
Complexities in quality
Complexities in quality - full abstract
Engagement for improvement
Engagement for improvement - full abstract
Improving quality and safety
Improving quality and safety - full abstract
Integrated care
Integrated care - full abstract
Learning from evaluation
Learning from evaluation - full abstract
Learning from implementation
Learning from implementation - full abstract
Methodological insights
Methodological insights - full abstract
Navigating the system/s
Navigating the system/s - full abstract
New approaches
New approaches - full abstract
New roles
New roles - full abstract
Patient and public voice
Patient and public voice - full abstract
Prehospital journeys
Prehospital journeys - full abstract
Understanding need
Understanding need - full abstract
Understanding service use
Understanding service use - full abstract
Understanding workforce
Understanding workforce - full abstract
Working together
Working together - full abstract