It was great to see so many HSR UK members at HSRUK19, our 12th annual health services research conference in Manchester. It was our best-attended conference yet, and we’ve had fantastic feedback. I particularly enjoyed the 3 minute rapid fire poster presentations, and was impressed that everyone stuck to time and provided such eloquent summaries! Thank you for making HSRUK19 great.
This is my last conference and indeed, my last week at HSR UK before relocating with my family to Melbourne, Australia. It’s been a pleasure leading the network, and having the chance to meet members across a broad range of organisations, from HSR centres to health research charities. Thank you for being such a warm, welcoming and connected community.
We announced at our AGM that Professor Naomi Fulop is stepping down from her role as chair at the end of July, and Professor Kieran Walshe is our incoming chair. Thanks to them both, and a special thanks to John de Pury at Universities UK for his ongoing guidance, personal mentorship and enduring support to HSR UK.
From 1 August, HSR UK will be an independent charity, staffed by an executive officer and a Board of Trustees. The Nuffield Trust has offered to be our new administrative host, and I’ve no doubt HSR UK will thrive. I’ll be following along from the other side of the world!
Kym Lang
Director, HSR UK
29 July 2019