An interactive showcase of health and social care innovation from the NHS, HEIs and industry across the East Midlands.
Find out more and register here
Venue: Jurys Inn Hotel, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donnington, DE74 2SH
About: A learning, sharing and networking event around best practice in health and socal care innovation across the East Midlands.
Confirmed speakers:
- Rachel Munton, Managing Director, East Midlands Academic Health Science Network (EMAHSN)
- Niro Sirowardena, Professor of Primary & Pre-Hospital Care, University of Lincoln
- David Smart, Clinical Director Mental Health, Nene & Corby CCGs
- Tony Doyle, Commercial Director, QbTech
- Meng Khaw, Centre Director, Public Health England
- Sharman Aldridge, Locality General Manager, Nottingham West Community Health Partnership
Is this event for me?
If you are an NHS clinician, Operational or Strategic Manager or Commissioner, or you work in industry, the voluntary sector, social care, public health or research, and you want to find out how the East Midlands NHS, HEIs and industry are working together to:
- Support transformational healthcare to develop services
- Enhance patient experience
- Improve clinical outcomes
- Secure value for money
- Deliver the best evidence-based care
- Address health inequalities
Then this event is for you.